Hi RAC Community. I just wanted to post and update. RAC Planning and Zoning Department has I guess disbanded the the Task Force and as done so without a word to the Task Force Members. The last contact with RAC concerning the Task Force was in February 2010 nearly a year ago.
RAC P&Z officials are now holding Public Meetings which are very limited in scope and have provided little information other than to let us know what they are deciding and without much Community Input and certainly no input from the Task Force Members.
It's been disappointing going to these Public Meetings as well. The P&Z Department says they want our input but when it comes down to it I think they really do not want Task Force Members or the Public's input. They would rather do the work on their own side stepping our input or what we as Task Force Members or the public actually care about.
This has been clear from the beginning of my involvement on the Task Force. As for the Task Force Members and the Planning Board. Again there has been little interaction between the members of the Board or from the Task Force concerning working together on these very critical issues facing our county and our residents.
The P&Z Department and Mr. Boyle are now trying to push through the latest round of Ordinances and they are going to pass it just like the other Ordinances they have passed over the last year plus and again without properly hearing our issues, concerns or comments.
The real issues here are not about making our communities better or they would truly involve the Task Force Members and community in a more formal way. Who were the members and what was the value of the Task Force. The Members I worked with for a short time were some really bright and intelligent people who were ready to be involved, discuss issues, come up with plans or ideas and yes objections but really they wanted to be involved and the P&Z Department just shut them out and have instead gone to Public Meetings.
Public Meetings vs Task Force. The Task Force was really a better way as far as I am concerned. These were dedicated folks from all of our communities. People who really cared and were willing to take the time to help. Folks who know their communities cause they live , work and play in them. Who would know the Community better? The Residents or P&Z. Sorry the P&Z Department found no value in COMMUNITY Members who actually care and want to be involved.
So this may well be the last post on the RAC County Comprehensive Plan Blog. The Task Force and P&Z approved this BLOG and it was to used as a tool for all RAC residents to comment and be involved. But again. No responses. RAC P&Z never got behind it or supported it. Why?
Seems like this is the way it is in RAC. The people care and are willing to do the work, but our officials are not willing to support community in this and many other efforts towards bettering our community.
Wish I could say this has been a productive venture. It has not.
Former Task Force Member
Lynn Noel
Ojo Caliente, NM
Anyone want to take over the BLOG please let me know.
Many Blessings to All in RAC.