Somos vecinos, nosotros debemos tomar el cuidado del comunidad.

Friday, June 20, 2008

What's Working!

During our last meeting a couple of
Task Force Members said.

" Why try to Reinvent the Wheel"?

There are many things that we know work. We know this by our history. Sustainable living was not a BUZZ WORD 60 years ago. Our communities and peoples have lived Sustainable on our lands for centuries in New Mexico.

Invention & Technology Reinventions

Communities all over the world are adapting the old and new practices and technologies in some incredible ways. We in our quest to improve on our community and in developing our Vision and Plan should also look to these communities (global) and integrate what is working now.

Locally in New Mexico we have many such solutions at hand and we should also share our knowledge. Make connections and make us all a better global community.

Here are some more links and information for us.

The Best Link Page on Ecological Links I've found. Comprehensive.
Todd Ecological Inc. Solutions for Water Planning and Management.
Case Studies and Links.
Transportation planning should encompass more than cars. Rethinking Transportation!
Rethinking Housing: CalEarth
Rethinking. Economic Development, Oil; and Gas, Hazard Mitigation, Community Facilities and Infrastructure.... Someone has already thought of these things and has done something about it. Lets learn from each other. Lets get the wheels rolling!

Link to the NRCS: New Mexico Field Office Technical Guides.
Must see. These resources cover many of the topics we will be discussing

The Buckminster Fuller Challenge
Anyboby up for a challange?

So I said, "call me Trimtab."
click on the above Buckminster Fuller Challange link for an explination of "TrimTab"

What is a blog? (A Collaborative Space)

Take A Tour!
In simple terms, a blog is a web site, where you write stuff on an ongoing basis. New stuff shows up at the top, so your visitors can read what's new. Then they comment on it or link to it or email you. Or not.

Click on Label ADMIN to see more about Blogging and some of the Features, and tools we can use to communicate.

July - 2008 Task Force Meeting Announced!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Task Force Member - Lynn Cravens

Lynn Cravens has been a licensed Real Estate Broker in the state of New Mexico for over twenty years. She has acquired expertise in all facets of the real estate industry, with particular attention given to the complications of transferring rural properties. After several years actively selling real estate in the Espanola Valley, Lynn is proud to join the new firm of Prudential North Valley Real Estate. She enjoys working alongside like minded associates, focused on providing professional service with attention to each client's individual needs.

Northern New Mexico has been Lynn's home for more than thirty years. She has raised her daughter, Allison, in the Espanola Valley and has provided many volunteer hours for the benefit of children in the valley. Most recently, Lynn helped open the doors of the Chimayo Youth Conservation Corps, an organization dedicated to promoting our youth as a valuable resource. She is the current Secretary/Treasurer of the Espanola Valley Board of Realtors, and serves on the Rio Arriba Comprehensive Plan Task Force. She also enjoys many of the outdoor recreational activities that beautiful Northern New Mexico has to offer, hiking, horses, gardening and winter sports. Call Lynn for assistance with any type of real estate transaction.

Contact Info:

Office: 505-753-4878

Cell: 505-927-5936

Eeb Site:

Prudential North Valley Real Estate

Sunday, June 15, 2008

VIII. Community Facilities/Infrastructure

Goal 1: Incrementally improve electrical
distribution and availability by promoting the use
of renewable energy and reduction of greenhouse gases.
Goal 2: Develop appropriate water and wastewater
technology standards in new developments.
Goal 3: Limit the proliferation of individual
septic systems and wells.
Goal 4: Promote reuse and multiple uses of existing
community facilities, and develop new
parks and recreational facilities to meet community needs.
Goal 5: Promote local usage of natural resources
for energy production, road and
construction materials when compatible
with neighborhoods and the environment.
Goal 6: Expand the animal control capabilities to
ensure adequate protection of people and animals.
Goal 7: Improve solid waste services and facilities
and promote recycling to beautify the County.
Goal 8: Provide adequate and accessible total
health care facilities and promote the County’s
Health Commons and primary care facilities.
Goal 9: Work in collaboration with the Acequia
commissions to improve and maintain acequia access easements.

IX. Transportation

Goal 1: Improve and maintain the County roads’
level of service and condition.
Goal 2: Encourage multi-modal transportation uses,
such as bike lanes and transit services.

Goal 3: Expand access and availability of the
public transit system for all ages.

Goal 4: Improve safety of the roadway system.
Goal 5: Improve and maintain public access
to traditional and communal lands.