Monday, October 13, 2008
October Task Force Meeting Agenda October 15,2008
Wednesday October 15, 2008, 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Rural Events Center, Rio Arriba County
Topics of Discussion
from: V. Land and Water Chapter
Goal 2: Protect and restore irrigated agricultural lands for livestock and agricultural
production purposes and encourage/promote managed development on dry land.
Strategy 14: All new subdivisions should have community/shared wells and treated
liquid waste systems, demonstrate a 100 year water adequacy plan and assure water
rights to meet full demand at build out, including water for fire-fighting and facilities
for storage, distribution and delivery for fire flows.
Strategy 18: Promote and demonstrate domestic water conservation efforts, such as
the use of drip irrigation, gray-water, water harvesting, low-flow fixtures, xeriscape
landscaping through education programs and in the Subdivision Regulations and
Design and Development Regulation ordinance.
from: VIII. Community Facilities/ Infrastructure Chapter
Goal 2: Develop appropriate water and wastewater technology standards in new
Strategy 6: Encourage and offer incentives for the use of water harvesting and
graywater systems treatment in new residential development.
Goal 3: Limit the proliferation of individual septic systems and wells.
Strategy 8: Require new development to connect to nearby community water and
wastewater systems with adequate capacity, and allow higher density on lots with
existing development through the use of shared wells and septic systems, or by
connection to community water and wastewater systems.
Strategy 9: Encourage the expansion and creation of new mutual domestic water
associations and sanitation districts through land use regulation and partnerships at the
local level, and through support of funding requests and favorable community system
legislation at the state level.
Strategy 10: Amend Subdivision regulations to allow lot sizes smaller than ¾ ac min.
for advanced on-site liquid waste systems or for shared agreements as approved by
NM Environment Department.
Task Force Meeting Oct 15,2008
The next Comprehensive Plan Task Force Meeting will be held;
Wednesday, October 15th at the Rural
Attached is the outline for the upcoming meeting and the minutes from our last meeting.
This meeting may be slightly different from our last few meetings; instead of having several topics and presentations I wanted to discuss one subject. I have been alerted to very certain ecological condition that may be placed at a high priority for the County. See outline. I would like one topic for presentation by Dr. Gonzalez with comments and questions from Planning and the members of the Task Force.
The main focus of this meeting is to present groundwater science and how it affects the longevity of established and historic communities. I have found six references in the Comprehensive Plan that mention water quality for domestic use. I would like also to present a report that I found on the NMED website that specifically mentions several communities in our County that have nitrate pollution to domestic wells.
I look forward to your input and experience as local experts and look forward to seeing you October 15th.
Sincerely yours,
Christopher Palmer