Somos vecinos, nosotros debemos tomar el cuidado del comunidad.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Priortized Goals and Stragities RAC 2009

Land and Water………………………………………..………………………..…….1
Goals and Implementation Strategies

Economic Development……………………………….…………….....……..…..…8
Goals and Implementation Strategies

Goals and Implementation Strategies

Community Facilities/Infrastructure.…………...……………………………....13
Goals and Implementation Strategies

Goals and Implementation Strategies

Hazards Mitigation………………………………………………….…………....…..19
Goals and Implementation Strategies

Priority Strategies 2008 ……………....……………………..…..………..………..21

June 25, 2009 Update

Dear Task Force,

Thank you to all of those who were able to make it to the first Rio Arriba County Comprehensive Plan Task force Meeting of 2009. We hope to see those of you who couldn’t make it at the next one. We have attached the agenda, a prioritized list of goals and implementation strategies, meeting notes, and the Task force Contact list. Please read over the agenda and the notes and let us know if there are any changes to be made so we can accept them at the next meeting. Please add your contact to the contact list if you are not there, and check the accuracy of the information if you are already on the list.

The prioritized list of goals and implementation strategies is for homework. Please read over the goals and strategies to see if you agree with the prioritization, have other suggestions, or know of resources or organizations that we can work with to better/more efficiently achieve our goals.

Drafting a functional ordinance to address nuisance within the County will be one of the first charges of the Task force. I will send a second email with a copy of the County’s Resolution on nuisance in 2001, and a draft nuisance ordinance that the task force worked on last year so please read it over for discussion at the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held July 22, 2009, from 1-3pm at the Rural Events Center in Abiquiu.

We are also looking to diversify the geographic representation on the taskforce. We will invite tribal representatives from our office, but if anyone has any suggestions for representatives from the areas of Chama, Tierra Amarilla, Vallecitos, Truchas, El Rito, Coyote, Gallina, Cebolla, etc., please have them contact our office to get involved.

Please contact our office if you have any questions.
Thank you,

Louise K. Pocock

Assistant Planner

Rio Arriba County

Planning and Zoning Department

1122 Industrial Park Road

Espanola, NM 87532

P. 505.753.7774

F. 505.753.4732


Planning and Zoning Department